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5 Tips to CREATE DEMAND for Yourself on SOCIAL MEDIA (2019)

Updated: May 28, 2019

Business is not just about creating a great product. It is more identifiably about creating great demand for your product...

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Business is not just about creating a great product. It is more identifiably about creating great demand for your product. And what you’re really selling is you. So, what’s the best way to create demand for yourself?

Here are 5 easy tips on how to create demand for yourself on social media:

1. Give the People What They Want!

People aren’t on social media because they care so much about what other people are doing, as much as they want other people to care about them. We all want validation. We want to feel appreciated for who we are. And the ability for us to do that is now simplified online.

Allot a consistent amount of time each day toward following, commenting, and liking the posts of your followers. This is what they want, so give it to them. The theory of reciprocity states that people reward kind actions with kindness because we feel indebted to those who do well by us.

By taking the time to show appreciation to your followers, you are inclining them to want to do the same in return. The best way to grow your following is to help your followers grow theirs!

2. Engage with Those Who Most Recently Engaged with You.

When it comes time to show love to your followers, who should you start with? This can be a tough question especially when that number continues to increase. Maybe we should engage with those who have the most followers because they have already done what we are attempting to do. Or maybe we should interact with our followers who have the smallest following because they likely will have more time to engage back.

In all actuality, the answer has less to do with the size of followers and more to do with time. We are more likely to see positive results in re-engagement when we connect with those who most recently engaged with us. And it’s so easy to do.

Every social media platform provides you a feed that is in descending chronological order of people who have somehow engaged with your account. So engage right back; start from the top and work your way down the list. These individuals have shown interest in what you are creating and talking about, so do the same for them in return.

The sooner we can show our appreciation for their account, the sooner we re-grab their attention, and hopefully continue to hold it.

3. Get to Know Your New Followers.

In order for us to better understand what our customers want, we need to better get to know them. Start this process right away by saying 3 key things to each one of your new followers.

1. Thank you for following me.

2. Why did you choose to follow me?

3. I would like to know more about the work that you do!

First, we need to thank them for choosing to follow our account. These are our fans and it is their choice to follow us that can likely lead to increased sales in the future.

Next, we need to better understand why it is that they chose to follow our account. Did they like our profile, our pictures, or maybe the overall theme of our page? We want this information so that we can better tailor our content to what our audience wants.

And lastly, we should dive a little deeper into getting to know our followers by asking about one of the main aspects of their life, their work. This can lead to creating a better relationship between you and that individual and may in fact lead to a co-branding opportunity in the future. What we get out of our followers is 100% dependent upon what we give them first.

4. Create Content that Helps Tell Your Story.

People don’t want to buy from a company, they want to buy from other people. That means we need to show our customers who we are. No longer does that mean we need to spend huge amounts of money on large marketing campaigns in order to get our product in the eyes of our consumers. We need to focus our attention on creating content around what we do on a day-to-day basis.

But our story is not about, it’s about our customers. We need to be a reflection of what our customers see when they look in the mirror, or at least what they want to see. This means that when we tell our story, we can’t just create content about ourselves.

Instead, focus on providing as much value to your following as possible. Write and share articles that educate your followers and entice them to want to come back for more. Use video content, both ephemeral, and in longer vlog format, to let your customers see why you do what you do everyday. Show them why you care so much your passion and how you want to use it to help those around you. It doesn’t need to be perfectly edited, it just needs to be you.

5. Be Different!

If everyone in your industry is creating one type of content, focus on doing something completely different. Instead of creating a video and then hoping it lands on the front page of YouTube or Google, YouTubers reverse engineer how they create their content. They research what people are searching for most and then create something related to that topic with a relevant title. But before they post it, the best YouTubers check out what is on the first page of the top search engines and then create a thumbnail for their video that will stand out from all the rest.

They do this because they know that in order for their video to be viewed a high number of times, they need to stand out from the other options viewers might have. So too do we need to stand out from our competitors. The easiest way to do this is to check out what other competing brands and companies are doing. Do a little research on the types of images and videos they are posting as well as the accompanying subtext.

Whatever they are doing, you can do it better. You can add a little more information, or a little more inspiration into what you create. Post images that stand out among the thousands of images your followers likely see each day. Develop video content that is a little more humorous than your competitors. Or if they thrive on funny quotes, then show your followers that you are more professional in the way that you deal with your customers. Whatever they are doing, you need to be different.

When we are able to create great demand for ourselves, we can sell anything. Because what we’re really selling, and what everyone else is always willing to pay for, is peace-of-mind. Give your followers what they want and they will do the same for you in return. So, what’s the best way to create demand for yourself? Just show people who you are. They’re asking about you, make sure you’re a part of the conversation.

Want to learn more? Schedule your Brand Meeting today to build a better brand!

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