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Business is About Treating People Well

Updated: May 28, 2019

The way we create things and succeed in life is by doing...

The Grand Canyon, Arizona

“The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you.” – Derek Sivers ~ Founder of CD Baby

Business is not about making something, it’s about treating people well. The way we create things and succeed in life is by doing. But when we focus just on what we are making, we forget for whom we are making it.

In doing so, we not only neglect the change we can create, we misplace our purpose as to why we do what we do. It makes sense that we would be inclined to focus first on the value we can provide because our survival is dependent upon inward reflection.

And yet, we are at our greatest when our line-of-sight never deviates from those to whom we can be valuable. Once we realize what we make is not for us, we’re able to benefit those around us more meaningfully.

The products we develop must encircle the values our customers show us is important to them. Then we can better mirror who they are and what we can do to make their lives better.

Far gone must be the days when we guess at the solution the consumer wants now that we the ability to find out what they need. The customer wants to know who they are buying from, so we need to give them what they want.

We show our humanity as a business when we show our followers that we’re just like them. And that the superhero of our story is not us, it’s them. We bring others onto our side when first we show them that we care.

Want to learn more? Schedule your Brand Meeting today to build a better brand!

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