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Every Company is a Marketing Company

Updated: Apr 25, 2019

"Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department...

Glacier National Park, Montana

“Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.” – David Packard ~ Co-founder and former CEO of Hewlett-Packard

Every company is a marketing company. But rather than define ourselves by what we produce, we must realize that what we are selling is increased demand. The services we provide will change and evolve, so too must we adapt to the ever-changing business landscape in order to expand the ways in which we draw attention to our brand. We need to be at the forefront of the marketing revolution so that we can adapt our product to what the customer really wants.

The best part about marketing efficiently is that not only do we increase our outreach, we bring everyone in our organization closer together by incorporating them into the process. Far gone are the days where a specific department handled how we connect to, and build relationships with, our customers. It is in the best interest of our consumers that we leverage our best assets, our people, by incorporating them into how we tell our story.

Good companies focus on how they can increase demand for their products while great companies focus on how they can increase demand for themselves. Our customers don’t buy what we do, they buy why we do it. They want to know what drives us, what propels us forward, and how we are utilizing that ambition to help improve their community.

People don’t care about the features of a product as much as they care about how it benefits them. This means that when we market, we not only need to highlight the functionality of our product, we need to focus on the macro benefits that we provide to the well-being of society. Because then our customers are buying for themselves, the one thing for which they will always be willing to pay.

Branding social good is what’s best for our company because it’s also what’s best for our community. When we focus on the bigger picture of why we come to work each day, we set an example for other businesses while allowing us to develop long-term relationships with our customers. And the best part about a getting a lifelong customer is you get a lifelong referrer thrown in the deal.

It is when we are able to combine a fully integrated organization in the branding and marketing process with a powerfully focused mission statement, that we increase demand for ourselves. People want to buy from companies that make them feel good after the purchase is complete, so much so that they will keep coming back and they also will to tell their friends about it.

We are all marketing companies; we just need to ensure that we use the data our customers are providing us in order to manufacture a product they are willing to buy. We need to engage our employees like we do our customers, by building everything we do collectively around our bigger purpose, our why.

It is much easier to paint a mural when everyone has a brush.

Want to learn more? Schedule your Brand Meeting today to build a better brand!

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