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How to CO-CREATE with Your Customers

We are able to co-create with our customers when we work with them to make what they really need...

Yuruu, Mongolia

If business is about solving a problem for our customers, why are we guessing at the solution that they want?


“You don’t want a huge list. You want an engaged list. The gold isn’t in the list anymore, it’s in the engagement. Marketing is not a task. Marketing is not a department. Marketing is not a job. Marketing happens every time you engage (or not) with your past, present, and potential customers.” – Scott Stratten (@unmarketing) ~ Distinguished speaker and co-author of “Unmarketing” with his wife Alison Kramer


A bridge is not constructed from only one end, it meets in the middle because it has a solid foundation on either side. We need to bridge the gap between us and our customers by engaging continuously with those for whom we are solving a problem.

We are able to co-create with our customers when we work with them to make what they really need. We finally have the ability to ask them what they want (the type of product or service, the price, and even the type of content they want to consume), test it with a minimum viable product, and then produce they need.

It is then that our customers are actually creating the product, and we are just manufacturing it for them. Marketing is no longer just a part of our company; it must be embodied in everything we do. It is not only the most efficient way to build a business, it is the best thing for our customers.

When we co-create, we show others that what we care about most, and what is at the heart of everything we do, is not us, it’s them.

Want to learn more? Schedule your Brand Meeting today to build a better brand!

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