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Top 3 CONTENT MARKETING Tips for 2019

Updated: Apr 25, 2019

Here are 3 great tips to help you increase your customer engagement with content marketing...

Sunset Beach, California

The content we create for our customers will likely be our first opportunity to provide value. But if everyone else is trying to do the same, the way we differentiate ourselves is our continual proof of concept.

So how can YOU stand out from the crowd?

Here are 3 key tips to help you increase your customer engagement with content marketing in 2019:

1. Let GOOGLE Do the Work for You

Google wants what you want. That is, to drive as much traffic to your website as possible. They want this as much as you do because it means your visitors are being directed through their search engine. For this relationship to be mutually-beneficial, we need to give Google what it wants.

That is to say, we need to give as much data as possible relevant not only to what we have created, but also to the way in which our customers are consuming it. That means we need to align the categories, titles, descriptions, and keywords we use to describe our content with how people are searching for it.

The best way to get the most out of Google and YouTube is to utilize the data they provide to properly describe each page of your website as well as each blog post on your blog page.

The same technique should also be utilized to describe the content for each social media channel.

*The best hashtags will often be derived from the Google keyword phrases.

2. Focus on What You Want to Happen

The purpose of our content must always be to focus our viewer’s attention on the call-to-action. If we want to get potential customers to our website, then we need to give them a strong reason to do so.

If you make high-quality content related to your mission, your viewers will want more. But that doesn’t always mean they are ready to buy your product. The last thing we want to do is force them to do anything. Instead, we want to give them options.

Here is where the indirect call-to-action comes into play. The best way to keep our customers engaged before, during, and after the purchase is to give them something more to consume in between.

*The best indirect calls-to-action will give your customers more information about you while learning more about something relevant to their keyword phrase search.

3. Quality Over Quantity… But Just By a Little

The quality of our followers will always be important if we want a high conversion rate. That being said, the number of followers you have does matter. It shows your potential followers that you are a desirable commodity.

Which means, we can’t waste any valuable time content marketing on a platform where we are seeing little follower engagement. That will likely mean that the majority of your followers will come on your top two to three platforms.

This should not be a concern because your ultimate goal is to drive as many people to your landing page as possible regardless of the diversity of channels from which they come.

*If you’re trying to grow your numbers, spend more time engaging on social media than creating content.

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